Wednesday, November 14, 2012

College Student Profiles

Meet Carly

I chose my college based on the small class sizes, the extra-curricular activities, and the on-campus housing. One of my favorite spots on campus is my dorm. I am majoring in Communication and minoring in Business. I write for the campus newspaper and am a member of the Honors program. I plan on working at a magazine after I graduate, so next semester I will have an internship with a design magazine. I’m beyond excited, as working with magazines is something I’ve always wanted to do.

Meet Isidro
I didn’t know anyone when I came to college, but now I have tons of friends. I live in the dorms, so I meet a lot of people that way. I also give campus tours to freshmen and am a member of the Rugby Club. I’m hoping to become a high school math teacher, and maybe even a college professor someday. I will probably have to go to graduate school. I’m excited to start student teaching next quarter!

Meet Nakeesa

When I came to college, I hadn’t declared a major yet. Now I am majoring in Early Childhood Education and I am planning to teach preschool. I knew I didn’t want to live on campus, so I rented an apartment with friends. I’ve decided that next year I will get a place on my own, but I will need to find a job to afford it. It is my goal to find a job on campus so that I can work in between classes.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

An Attic Full of Money: Past Unreal Conditional

For this activity, we will practice using the past unreal conditional. The past unreal conditional is used to talk about imaginary situations in the past. You can use the past unreal conditional to talk about how something could have happened differently.

Example: He could have passed the test if he had studied more.

Read the story below about a man who found $100,000 in his attic. With your partner, write an alternate ending to the story. An alternate ending is an end to the story that is different than what is written.

A man in Utah had recently moved to a new house. One day he decided to explore the attic. He went up into the attic discovered $100,000 stuffed into boxes. He took the money downstairs, spread it out and counted it. At first he was tempted to keep it, but he decided not to do that. Instead, he looked for the children of the previous owner of the house, who had died, and gave them the money. He said the money wasn't his, and that you don't often have the chance to be really honest. He told reporters that it would be a lesson to teach his children.
Before writing your alternate ending, answer these questions about the story you just read:

·         How does the story end?

·         Why did the story end the way it did?

·         What actions or decisions caused the end of this story?

Once you have read the story and answered these questions, you and your partner can begin writing your own alternate ending. While you are writing your alternate ending, use the past unreal conditional to talk about at least two things that could have happened differently in the story.

Example:  If the man had not looked in his attic, he would not have found the money.

Your alternate ending should be at least 5 sentences long. When you are finished, post your alternate ending to the comments section of this post.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Meet your classmates!

For this assignment, you will be interviewing and introducing your classmates. This assignment has three parts:

Part 1: Interview your partner

- Some questions you can ask your partner are:
  • Where did you grow up?
  • What do you do for fun?
  • Why are you learning English?
  • What kind of music do you like?

- Write 2-3 sentences about your partner.
- Once you have written your sentences, have the teacher read them and correct any mistakes.
- Rewrite a final version of your sentences.

Part 2: Record yourself

-You will record yourself reading the sentences you wrote by using the recording tool below. To record yourself, follow these steps:
  1. Click the red button that says "Click to Record"
  2. Click "allow" to start recording
  3. Introduce your classmate by saying "I would like to introduce you to (your classmate's name)" and then read the sentences you wrote.
  4. When you are finished click the button that says "Click to Stop"
  5. Click "Listen" to hear your recording
  6. If you are not happy with your recording, click "Retry" and record yourself again.
  7. Once you are happy with your recording, click "Happy with this recording? Click here to save"
  8. Copy the URL, beginning with http:// and paste it into the comments section of this post
  9. Include your name and the name of your classmate in the comment. For example: "My name is Jorge and I would like to introduce you to Miguel."

Part 3: Introduce a classmate

- The teacher will assign you a new partner.
- Find the link to the recording about your new partner in the comments section of this post.
- Listen to the recording as many times as necessary. Write down what you hear.
- Introduce your new partner to the class, based on what you heard on the recording.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Rules for the Computer Lab

1.       Do not give out your name, address, phone number, e-mail, password, school name or grade over the internet.  IF asked to provide any of this online during class, log off and report it immediately.

2.       Stay on the sites that have been chosen for use in class.

3.       Do not go more than two clicks away from the original site.

4.       Use  computer for educational purposes only.

5.       Turn  monitor off and report it immediately if something inappropriate comes up on the monitor.

6.       Do not chat, instant message, or use e-mail without permission.

7.       Do not  download music, games, or software from the internet

8.       Treat all equipment with respect.

9.       Keep snacks and drinks away from the computers.

10.   Use respectful language and images. No profanity or vulgar language.

11.   You are responsible for what you write and publish. Remember, don’t post anything you wouldn’t want your parents/boss/children to see.

12.   Do not change any settings on the computer unless instructed to do so.

13.   Do not try to fix computers without permission

14.   During group work, if you have questions ask your group members first before asking the

15.   Share the equipment. Take turns when working with others.