Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Rules for the Computer Lab

1.       Do not give out your name, address, phone number, e-mail, password, school name or grade over the internet.  IF asked to provide any of this online during class, log off and report it immediately.

2.       Stay on the sites that have been chosen for use in class.

3.       Do not go more than two clicks away from the original site.

4.       Use  computer for educational purposes only.

5.       Turn  monitor off and report it immediately if something inappropriate comes up on the monitor.

6.       Do not chat, instant message, or use e-mail without permission.

7.       Do not  download music, games, or software from the internet

8.       Treat all equipment with respect.

9.       Keep snacks and drinks away from the computers.

10.   Use respectful language and images. No profanity or vulgar language.

11.   You are responsible for what you write and publish. Remember, don’t post anything you wouldn’t want your parents/boss/children to see.

12.   Do not change any settings on the computer unless instructed to do so.

13.   Do not try to fix computers without permission

14.   During group work, if you have questions ask your group members first before asking the

15.   Share the equipment. Take turns when working with others.

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